10 Simple Ugly Acts to Do Each Day to Have Less Clutter in Your House

by | Dec 16, 2019 | Physical Decluttering

Having less may mean more happiness

Our title up there sounds shocking, doesn’t it? It’s got to be.

Not many of us like swallowing pills, but they are often the best way for us to treat an illness. And so is life.

Making progress in life often requires going through unpleasant processes like that; like the instance of swallowing bitter pills. But in the end, we stand to benefit from the positive results of our sacrifices, and in beholding the wonders of our final achievement, what we have gone through to achieve it becomes almost insignificant in our eyes, although worthwhile.

As abstract as the above might sound, it is just the template of how most success stories are enacted, and one of the new but commendable success pathways many of us are now pursuing is living a more organized, neater, decluttered live.

We really need it.

Decluttering (for the home) is simply the removal of the clutter we have around, which might be excess objects, unused objects, unneeded objects or abandoned items, and improperly placed items.

We often accumulate these objects over the years, till it becomes a source of stress just seeing them around; their unorganized presence overwhelming we their owners.

Happily, we are aware of the emergency of this problem, and one of our cardinal goals at Infovore Secrets is providing you practicable pieces of advice on how to fight clutter in your home, offices, all other living spaces, and even in your digital life.

So, just recently, we published an article extensively explaining 20 ways clutter can be sustainably and permanently removed from our lives. But however powerful that article has proven to be, it was only the beginning – Clutter is already too chronic in some lives to be uprooted with 20 pieces of advice, however, comprehensive our recommendations might be!

Let’s be frank, reducing or killing clutter in our lives permanently requires just more than decluttering directions, especially for chronic clutterers.

More appropriately, it requires a complete change in lifestyle, living approach, mindset, and worldview. Now, it is 10 of these types of approaches we want to examine in this new article.

We hope those who found the former article good will find this one even better.

No matter how little they are, clutters should have no permanent place in our lives.

Let’s get started!

PS: We have also included an infographic at the end of this article. Feel free to share it with your loved ones.

1. Give out what you love           
give out what you love

Love is a beautiful thing, no doubt. As we are capable of displaying love towards fellow human beings, so are we capable of displaying love towards inanimate objects. It’s a funny thing really – It’s this second kind of love that often leads to the accumulation of unwarranted clutter in our home and living spaces.

Over time, we have received gifts we love and buy things we love, we have watched them accumulate with growing interest, after all they are all objects we love. But do we dare willingly part with the things we love?

“Things” is the keyword here. Many of us have developed unnecessary love for ordinary – even mundane – objects that we are not ready to let them out of our sights at all. As good as this can be, it might also be abnormal, as it might signify an early tendency towards hoarding.

Give things out, especially those things you love. It doesn’t reduce the love you have for it, but might even spread the love to someone else, that is, the person you give it to.

In fact, give away what you love to someone you love and you have achieved three goals: you have made someone smile, your love for your fellow human being is increased, and a source of clutter in your home is gone.

It might seem like an ugly thing to do but can you see the logic?

2. Be satisfied with little/buy lesser         
buy little things

It wouldn’t be surprising to find ten different tools that do the same job in an average home. It is one of the features of our modern living that we have come to embrace and expect, even though it’s often a wasteful, redundant kind of living.

Even if not in real life, we are probably familiar with stories of survivors of disasters and misadventures through books and TV. While these stories are usually meant to entertain us, they also inadvertently reveal to us how easily man can survive with lesser provisions than he is used to.

Take note, this article is not advocating living in privation. We are simply pointing out that we can all easily live on far less than we currently acquire, and do so in average comfort. The way to do this is just to learn how to be satisfied with little.

This point wouldn’t be necessary if there aren’t people who have acquired more stuff than they actually need to get by: excess home tools, excess office tools, excess digital devices! Blatant consumerism!

One of the most common reasons for having clutter is having an excess of items in the home. When we learned to be satisfied with little, and buy less, we are building a permanent foundation of having less clutter in the house forevermore.

3. Return objects to where you picked them immediately
return objects to where you pick it

Returning objects to exactly where we picked them is probably among the most difficult acts to do in the home! Many would confess it’s so easy to take out pieces of stuff from their nooks but so difficult to place them back there again!

But this is usually the start of the buildup of clutter for many homes.

Like we said in a previous article on decluttering we published; every room in the home should be used solely for its purpose if we are to achieve a clutter-free home in the long term.

This means that, for anyone who wants to take decluttering seriously, we should endeavor to start and finish any task in a single room in the home, especially when this task involves the removal or movement of certain objects from their usual spot in the room.

Removing clutter is not an easy job, so preventing its buildup still remains the best way to maintain a decluttered life, a premier way of achieving this is to return objects to exactly wherever they are taken as soon as we are done with using them.

4. Sweep, Vacuum and Mop Regularly
vacuum cleaner or sweeper

A perfect example of ugly, unpleasant acts for most homeowners is sweeping, vacuuming and or mopping the house! But we know no other acts that can make you more aware of clutter than these!

More often than not, a house free of clutter is easy to sweep, vacuum or mop. And a house suffering from clutter is exactly the opposite of that.

As a homeowner, when you have difficulty vacuuming your home, or doing general home maintenance tasks, then watch out for clutter!

Usually, in a well organized airy room, the floor space will be well defined and unobstructed by “islands” of objects; making mopping or sweeping a breeze. In contrast, the hallmark of a cluttered space is the existence of several of these “island” of objects on the floor, which makes home cleaning an unnecessarily laborious task.

To notice if you have this problem is simple, next time you try vacuuming or mopping any part of your home, observe how smoothly it goes. If you are able to move your cleaning equipment easily around without obstructions of “islands”, then you probably have no clutter problem. If the opposite happens, then you certainly have a problem of clutter in your house.

Sweeping, vacuuming and mopping might be unpleasant tasks, but they are a sure way to find, and sweep your clutter away!

5. Unlove one more object every time — Detach yourself.
unlove one object at a time

In our first point in this list, we talked about using love to get rid of clutter in the house. Now, we are going to talk about unloving items in your home to get rid of them.

Just like it’s very unpleasant and painful to part with what we love, it’s equally unpleasant to deliberately develop a dislike for what we normally love, but this might be the unpleasant action we will need to take if we are bent on removing clutter from every aspect of our lives. Yes, it is an unpleasant but harmless pill to swallow.

It is normal to develop an attachment to some items we are gifted with or that we bought, but such an attachment becomes harmful when the presence of such an article is causing us undue stress and we cannot bring ourselves to get rid of it.

Why don’t you permanently unlove some troublesome items in your collection, even if it’s one item at a time? You will be surprised to see how some items you have imagined you can’t do without will move out for sale, for charity, or straight to the trash!

6. Be more strict with your kids on clutter           
A picture with the wording "be more strict with your kids on clutter"

We all love to show our kids love, lots of it. In fact, many of us find it unpleasant to use a hurtful word on a child. But what we pretend not to know is that having kids and having clutter goes hand in hand. Indeed, you can’t talk about clutter for long without mentioning kids!

Kids are a big source of clutter buildup: their toys are thrown around and they have no bounds on where to play!

Have you observed that the blame you often put on your kids for causing you a headache is better deserved by the clutter they cause and not your kids? All kids do is play and learn.

Kids have the ability to learn, and this is why it is good to teach them about the importance of having the home free of clutter. Be consistent and strict with your no-clutter message and they will soon start feeling a sense of guilt whenever they cause clutter. No, that’s not hurting them, that’s not limiting their play, that’s teaching them responsible behavior.

7. Remind yourself with Incessant Alarms and Reminders
an alarm clock

Are you the forgetful type? Are you the absent-minded type? Read this article first.

So, we know that apart from reading that article, we believe you need other forms of help. We believe you may need to use a lot of alarms and reminders to monitor your home anti-clutter campaign. For example, you might need an alarm or reminder to:

i. Remind you to do certain tasks

ii. Remind you not to forget to put certain things in certain places.

iii. Remind you never to open certain drawers unless really needed because it will take you thirty minutes to get its loose stuff safely back inside it again!

Yeah, that’s what we are talking about; the way alarms and reminders can work for forgetful people who are prone to clutter; possibly like you!

It’s an ugly daily act; true. But to be overwhelmed with clutter will be uglier.

8. Bolt them down, tie them down, glue them down.
gum things down

This sounds funny right? Why bolt stuffs down when your home is not a lunatic asylum?

Well, your home is not a lunatic asylum, but the strategy of bolting or gluing movable objects down to prevent them from being moved is used by doctors and management of the lunatic asylums – and not their patients – simply because it works!

Mate, we know this might sound like a desperate measure, even a disgusting one, but that may be your saving grace from ever having preventable clutter again.

Some of your properties are just perfect when being FORCED to stay in one place. We probably need not explain why. A handtowel that is clipped to its hook is better than one that drifts about and a footmat that is glued to the floor is better than one that drifts about! You get?

9. Place some objects in unreachable places.
a hand trying to reach a key

Do you want a secret on how you will declutter once and won’t have to do it again for a long time? Stash your clutter in unreachable places in your home.

Although this might only work with items you don’t need often, it’s worth giving a try, especially with items that constitute recurring clutter.

By placing items of recurring clutter in almost unreachable places, it discourages you from dragging them out and making them a source of clutter again.

Just one item safely stored somewhere difficult to reach, and your home is one clutter less.

Pro tip: Consider giving out what you rarely use. It is a way of spreading goodness and charity around.

10. Think – Feel bad about your act/clutter.
Think about your clutter life

One of the luminaries of the 20th century once quipped that “thinking is the hardest job in the world”, adding that it is the reason why “so few engage in it.”

The “thinking” he is referring to is the one that solves a problem, but “thinking” in the decluttering sense goes way more than that.

Decluttering successfully also requires a remorseful kind of thinking; a feeling of repentance on the declutterer’s part. An admission that he or she will never allow clutter again.

If the mind can be forced to recognize “allowing clutter to grow” as an act of misdeed, then it will learn to hate clutter and avoid its presence.

Thinking is an ugly, unpleasant act to do, but it might declutter your life permanently. So, please do it regularly.

Simple Ugly Acts to Do Each Day to Have Less Clutter in Your House Infographic

An infographic titled "Simple Ugly Acts to Do Each Day to Have Less Clutter in Your House"

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<p><strong>Please include attribution to InfovoreSecrets.com with this graphic.</strong><br /><br /><a href='https://infovoresecrets.com/10-simple-ugly-acts-to-do-each-day-to-have-less-clutter-in-your-house/'><img src='https://infovoresecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Simple-Ugly-Acts-to-Do-Each-Day-to-Have-Less-Clutter-In-Your-House.png' alt='Simple Ugly Acts to Do Every day to Have Less Clutter In Your House Infographic' 540px border='0' /></a></p>

Frequently Asked Questions on Simple Acts to Do Every day to Have Less Clutter in the House

Where do I start decluttering?

We will suggest you start with the area with the most clutter. This can be in your house, your office, your digital space or even your mind.
Check above to see some of our tips on simple things you can do every day to have less clutter in your house.

How can I hate clutter?

Be satisfied with little, and you won’t have any reason to accumulate clutter. Unlove and give away some items you have undue and unnecessary love for. It is likely their absence will start making your home clutter free.

How Can I prevent clutter buildup?

Return objects to where you picked them immediately. Sweep, vacuum and mop regularly. Teach your kids the importance of having a clutter-free living space. Finally, stash objects that constitute recurring clutter in difficult-to-reach places in the home, so they don’t come drifting out again.

Infovore Secrets Editorial

Infovore Secrets Editorial

Infovore Secrets Editorial is made up of passionate individuals that are committed to improving your life. We write about how to improve one’s memory, cut back on irrelevant information, and live a digitally decluttered life. Inforvore Secrets Editorial is lead by Pharm Ibrahim A. (B Pharm). We hope you will enjoy your stay here.

Our mission is to create a better world through the provision of quality information on how to improve one’s memory, cut back on irrelevant information, and declutter one’s digital and physical life.

We believe our lives will be better if we have great memories and fewer clutters. Please follow us as we build a better world together.

Infovore Secrets Editorial


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